Citigroup ( c) estimates that losses in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain would trigger direct and indirect losses of$ 480 billion. 花旗集团测算希腊、爱尔兰、葡萄牙和西班牙的直接和间接经济损失将达到4800亿美元。
We hold that, the losses which may be indemnified shall include direct losses and indirect losses ( losses in acquirable interests). 我们认为,可诉求赔偿的损失包括直接损失和间接损失(可得利益损失)。
In recent years, the city lightning disasters bring heavy direct and indirect losses to the people. 近年来,我市雷电灾害频发,给人民群众带来很直接和间接的损失十分惨重。
Mud-rock flows, floods, the indirect losses caused by disasters immeasurable. 泥石流、洪水,这些间接灾害造成的损失不可估量。
Knight Frank will not be liable for negligence, or for any direct or indirect consequential losses or damages arising from the use of this information. 因使用此数据而直接或间接引致的损失或损毁,莱坊恕不负责。
An analysis for indirect losses of general economics by earthquake disaster about lifeline engineerings in the Pearl River Delta Area 珠江三角洲生命线工程震害总体经济间接损失分析
And the tax authorities do not take any responsibilities of the civil trespass done by their staffs, the damage made by the opposite party, also the indirect losses, etc. 税务机关对其工作人员的个人行为引起的民事侵权损害,对因相对人自己的行为致使损害发生的,以及间接损失等,不承担赔偿责任。
One of the main reasons which increase in indirect losses is damage of equipments in power system which retard the rescue works. 而由于电力设施的损坏使得救援工作无法顺利进行是使间接经济损失增多的原因之一。
In this paper, the aseismic levels of cities are analyzed by the engineering policy-making analytical method, in which the direct and indirect losses, as well as the engineering costs of various earthquake intensities taken as aseismic levels have been discussed. 本文采用工程决策分析的方法,对城市的抗震设防标准进行了分析,探讨了有关直接损失、间接损失和不同地震烈度作为设防标准的工程造价等问题。
The personal casualty loss contains death and injuries while the economic property loss contains direct and indirect losses. 人员损失主要由因灾死亡损失和因灾伤害损失两部分构成;经济损失包括直接经济损失和间接经济损失。
The victim has suffered heavy losses should be the practical losses, include direct losses and indirect losses. 被害人遭受的重大损失,应指商业秘密被侵犯后给权利人造成的实际损失,既包括直接损失也包括间接损失。
The infringement upon credit often costs indirect losses of the victims and the tortious person should make due compensations so as to protect the interest of the principal of credit. 信用被侵害常使受害人遭受间接损失,应由侵权人予以赔偿,以充分保护信用主体的利益。
A lot of parts of China are located on areas where seismic activities are higher, the direct economic losses caused earthquake are number hundreds of millions, while indirect losses are uncountable. 我国的很多地区处于地震高发区,地震所造成的直接经济损失数以亿计,间接经济损失更是无法估算。
Especially as China Petrochemical which is large, long-cycle production enterprise, the direct and indirect losses due to inadequate level of equipment management are very considerable. 尤其像石化企业这样大型、长周期生产的企业,由于设备管理水平不足而造成的直接、间接损失相当可观。
However, for major natural disasters, due to the rapid increase of the size of the economy, the correlation between the economic systems division enhances indirect economic loss, which is often more than the direct economic loss. Indirect losses grow in a non-linear growth path. 然而,对于重大的自然灾害,由于经济规模的快速增大,经济系统部门之间的关联性增强,间接经济损失往往超过直接经济损失,直接损失和间接损失之间呈现非线性增长。
Risks lurking in all aspects of production and operation, not only resulted in a direct loss of indirect losses. 风险潜伏于企业经营管理活动的各个环节,不仅会给企业带来巨大的直接损失,还有可能造成无法估量的间接损失。
These disasters not only caused great loss of life and property, but also the people and country of the indirect losses, and social impact is immeasurable. So the landslide prevention and control work to do, is very important. 这些灾害不仅造成了生命和财产的重大损失,而且给人民和国家造成的间接损失和社会影响更是不可估量,因此做好滑坡的防治工作,是十分重要的。
Scope of compensation includes not only direct losses, but also indirect losses. 该责任的赔偿范围不仅包括直接损失,还应当包括间接损失。
Pollution Compensation costs are included in almost all of the direct and indirect losses. 在污染赔偿成本中包含了几乎所有的直接和间接损失。
Devastating earthquake brings not only direct economic losses, but also causes indirect losses which bring inconvenience to rescue because of the damage of the traffic condition. 地震灾害发生时不仅会造成直接的经济损失,倘若因救援工作不及时引起的间接损失也是非常严重的。
The disasters due to frequently floods of Huaihe River result to heavy direct and indirect losses. So the government needs a new technology to reduce disaster losses which can achieve the flood control work in digital, high efficiency. 淮河流域洪涝灾害频繁,因灾害而产生的直接及间接损失较重,急需一种新的技术手段以实现防洪减灾工作的数字化、高效化,从而降低灾害损失。
Once destroyed in the earthquake, it will bring in huge direct and indirect economic losses. 一旦在地震中遭到破坏,将会造成巨大的直接和间接经济损失。
Summarizes the theory and methods of indirect economic losses assessment. 主要研究内容和结论有:1.分析并归纳了间接经济损失评估的理论和方法。
Although the contract-maker trusts the wrong form of liability for all losses by mistake, including direct losses and indirect losses, yet the responsibility does not belong to the nature of the contracting fault liability, but the responsibility of an independent form. 表意人的错误信赖赔偿责任为全部损失,包括直接损失和间接损失,责任的性质不属于缔约过失责任,应属于一种独立的责任形态。
The fourth part proposes combining compensatory and punitive reliefs together, increasing the compensation standard in personal injury and enlarge the scope of rendering compensation to mental injury, not only compensate direct losses but also compensate indirect losses in property damage. 第四部分提出补偿性和惩罚性相结合赔偿原则;在人身损害赔偿中提高赔偿标准和扩大精神损害赔偿的适用范围;在财产损害赔偿中既赔偿直接损失又赔偿间接损失。
If the motor is damaged or failure will bring a great impact on industrial and agricultural production, the indirect losses will be hard to estimated, will be detrimental to the development of national economy. 若电机损坏或者出现故障将会对工农业生产造成很大影响,其间接损失更是难以估计,将不利于国民经济的发展。
Property losses include direct and indirect losses, in principle, the former should be full compensated; for the latter, it should be reasonable compensated. 财产损失包括直接损失和间接损失,对于前者原则上应完全赔偿;对于后者,应当合理赔偿。
Cow endometritis is a major obstetric disease which is harmful to the development of livestock production. It results huge direct and indirect losses in the worldwide each year. 奶牛子宫内膜炎是危害畜牧业生产发展的主要产科疾病,每年在世界范围内造成巨大的直接损失和间接损失。
Both property and personal injury for a number of problems often encountered in practice ( such as: indirect losses of the added health expenses, claims and other rights holders unreasonable), the paper analyzed one by one and made the case for different solutions. 同时对于财产和人身损害一些在实践经常遇到的问题(诸如:间接损失问题、续医费问题、权利人不合理的主张等),本文逐条加以分析并针对不同的情形提出了解决的方案。
Through analysis of results, we discussed the interaction between the main agents and the indirect losses. Validate the model and system functions. 对预评估的结果进行分析,讨论了各承灾体之间的相互作用对间接损失的影响,验证模型和系统的功能。